Offers Installation =================== Installation instructions for the Offers web application. Dependencies ------------ * php >= 5.3.x * mysql >= 5.1.x *(also tested with MariaDB >= 5.2.x)* * python-sphinx *(to build documentation)* * git *(to clone directly from the repository)* Required php modules: * gd * ldap * mysql-pdo * openssl * soap Get source code --------------- Get the source code from the git repository *(clone)* or a release tag. Also, the CakePHP bootstrap-helper is required, see `Deploy`_ on how to download it as a git submodule or from a relsease tag. Repositories: * `Offers (coupons.git - also contains CakePHP framework) `_ * `Offers documentation (coupons-docs.git) `_ * `CakePHP framework `_ * `CakePHP bootstrap-helper `_ Deploy ------ Application setup: * List of required configuration files and a list of the most important options. * Permissions. * Git submodules. Configuration files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rename each ``*.php.default`` file to ``*.php`` and edit accordingly if required. * **bootstrap.php.default** * **configuration.php.default** * ``APP_URL``: set the application url `(eg:` **no** trailing slash here. * ``ISSUE_URL``: redmine url * ``ISSUE_TOKEN``: redmine's user access token * ``ISSUE_PROJECT_ID``: redmine project id to post issues to `(project must have an issue tracker)`. * ``ADMIN_EMAIL``: email for application's administrator * ``MAX_OFFER_IMAGES``: maximum number of images allowed in offers. * ``MAX_COMPANY_IMAGES``: maximum number of images allowed in company profile. * **core.php.default** * contains salt and hash algorithm settings - keep it safe. * **database.php.default** * database settings - set database name/credentials * ``encoding``: set to ``utf8``. * **email.php.default** * configure application email address / email charset etc * **ldap.php.default** * LDAP settings - set ldap credentials here * if using LDAP with SSL remember that the ``port`` should remain empty and all parameters should be in the ``server`` directive in a form of url. eg: ``ldaps://``. See: `ldap_connect() `_. Permissions ^^^^^^^^^^^ The following folders must be writable from the ``http`` user (or the relevant user that run the webserver).:: app |-- tmp |-- cache | |-- models | |-- persistent | `-- views `-- logs Git submodules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The application's front-end uses `Twitter's Bootstrap`_ through a `CakePHP helper`_. This helper is not optional. It resides inside the ``plugins`` folder found in the project's root directory as a `git submodule`_. In order to fetch the helper, after the first clone run: :: $ git submodule init $ git submodule update To keep up-to-date run: :: $ git submodule foreach git pull Note that this will fetch any other posible git submodules used by the application. See the `project's .gitmodules`_ file for more information. .. _Twitter's Bootstrap: .. _CakePHP helper: .. _git submodule: .. _project's .gitmodules: Database -------- Database setup: * From command line * From PHPMyAdmin From command line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Run the setup script found in ``schema/`` and provide the root username/password for your database when prompted. The database scripts assume you have the right to create databases. The default database created is named ``opendeals``. From PHPMyAdmin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. import ``opendeals.sql`` #. import ``days.sql`` #. import ``counties.csv``, skiping the 1st row #. import ``municipalities.csv`` skipping the 1st row and re-arranging columns properly #. import ``offercategories.sql`` Cron scripts ------------ * **** * notify users for new offers * run: ``once / day`` a little after ``00:00``. * **** * notify users for offers marked as spam (only if user has related coupons) * run every: ``6 hours``. * **** * cleanup old status * run every: ``3 days`` or longer. * **** * check offer end time and mark finished offers as "finished" * run at least every: ``15 min``. * **** * calculate total stats for previous day * run: ``once / day`` a little after ``00:00``.